Thursday, June 27, 2013

A great day in Chichel and Cotzal

Another simply beautiful day in Guatemala.  We had great weather all week especially considering it is the rainy season.  We traveled to Chichel with around 60 youth and 20 adults from the Chajul church to see an amazing waterful and have lunch.  The Central Church paid for a bus (that is correct, they got about 80 people on a single bus) and WPC paid the entrance fee to the park with the waterfall.  We went in ou van and that was enough of an adventure.  I could not imagine riding up there with 80 people in what looks like a shool bus.

We spent some time at the falls and played some soccer.  The women of the church carried food and fire wood to the park and cooked us lunch.  We had chicken chow mein with corn tortillas.  We thought they made this especially for us but this is a popular dish in Guatemala.

We have the closing service at 7:00pm this eveining where we will present the church a framed version of the covenant between WPC, the Central Church in Guatemala City, and the church in Chajul.  We will also sing Amazing Grace in English and Spanish and share our reflections on the week.

Everyone is healthy and having a great experience.  We look forward to telling everyone about it when we return.

I was only able to upload three pictures today due to internet cafe issues.  I will post more pictures when we get to Guatemala City tomorrow and have access to a better internet connection.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the blog of your mission trip! It is wonderful to experience this through images and words! Prayers are with you!
    -Robert Oppecker
